This reporter slept his nights at the Ramos police station

JOE B. MARTINEZ (1912-1980)

This reporter slept his nights at the Ramos police station

Jose B. Martinez was police reporter of The Republic News and correspondent of the Philippine News Service (which later became the Philippine News Agency), Philippine Herald, Manila Chronicle and Evening News.

He ran a one-person news agency. He gathered and wrote the police stories, reproducing carbon copies for distribution to news outlets in Cebu.

During most of his journalism career, he chose to be near his source. He slept in a small room at the Ramos police station so he could be alerted when a big story broke.

One-man news agency

(From “Asa ang Republic?” in Newsroom Tales)

Joe Martinez ran probably the first “news agency” after the war.

His was not the kind of news agency that we know — corps of reporters and correspondents, transmission facilities, and a lot of news outlets as clients.

It was a one-man outfit. Joe gathering and writing the stories. Joe reproducing copies by typing the stories on bond paper with quadruplicate carbon paper. Joe delivering them to his clients. And Joe billing them and collecting payments, ranging from P20 to P60 a month.

The fees were not as cheap as they look now. Aside from inflation adjustment, the service was limited: stories were all police stories and shared by most news outlets. The few exclusive police stories he gave only to his main employer, The Republic Daily.  – Pachico A. Seares

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