Rating radio commentators: Jason Monteclar’s list


From left: Ruphil Bañoc, Lloyd Suarez, Choy Torralba & Eric Siras Manait,

Rating radio commentators: Jason Monteclar’s list

(First published in SunStar column. Nov. 27, 2020)

To be sure, it is not totally serious. The Top 10 list in Jayson Monteclar’s “The Not So Late Show” (check it out Thursday to Saturday on the internet) often drips with sarcasm or is laced with some bit of spite.

The list in Episode #22 — titled Oplok and aired Thursday, November 26 — is about “Mga Komentaristang Sikat ug Ngano” and must interest people not so much for the info about who are “sikat” as for why they are.

Two (#8 and #7) apparently rate for talking about doings in the courts and prosecutors offices or for espousing some cause of justice (JM didn’t specify): Super Lloyd Suarez of dySS with his affidavits, and Jun Zaldy of Bombo Radyo, “Tingog sa Dinaogdaog.”

Three for their noise, style of talking, or use of canned device: dyHP’s Ruphil Banoc (#3) for his “machine-gun” speed of delivery; dyCM’s Chito Aragon (#5) for his “bombastic” comments; and Eric S. Manait, also of dyCM, for his pitch of voice that can rouse people in the morning more effectively than cock’s crow.

Two for their capacity to put people to sleep: dySS’s Bobby Nalzaro (#1) who is compared to Mike Tyson, the boxing champ who knocks out ring rivals; and dyLA’s Junnex Napallacan, who is described as “buotan” and talks like a priest, whose calming method on people is different but the result may be the same.

Only one is listed for speed and quality of information: dyRF’s Choy Torralba (#3) who gives you tomorrow’s news and gossip today, including some bits that you won’t ever see or hear in the news media.

It’s JM’s personal list, which, by the way, doesn’t give basis for the ranking (size of audience and influence or clout on public policy or governance). No polling source is disclosed. Inevitably, the “Not So Late” audience will take it with a grain of salt, for entertainment only.

This may explain why no broadcaster is cited for persuasive argument and capacity to explain a complex issue with the ability to keep audience attention until the next commercial break.

P.S. Leo Lastimosa of Sibya TV is listed as #4 but the reason for his spot is ambiguous and needs a rewind to clarify.

No one is cited for humor or wit, which is one of the means to draw and hold listeners. Or for fairness and respect for facts, the hallmarks of a good commentary.

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